catford Groups

Overseen by Hilary Dalziel
Growing in the Prophetic
Led by Marion Levine
A group on hearing God's voice, with practical activities and teaching. Run's fortnightly and open to all.

19:30 (fortnightly)
Overseen by Hilary Dalziel
Growing in the Prophetic Women Only
Led by Marion Levine
A women's only group on hearing God's voice, with practical activities and teaching. Run's fortnightly.

19:30 (fortnightly)
Men's Sparring Group
Led by Jonathan Manning
For males aged 17+. We will be striking (Boxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo). The focus of the group is sparring in a controlled environment working on technique and supporting each other to get fitter, stronger and better. Some prior experience of a striking based martial art is a prerequisite as there will be no instructor. Must bring own equipment & no showers available. Date tbc

19:00 (fortnightly)
Catford Site
Overseen by Hilary Dalziel
Peter & Wendy Churchill's Group
Following the series. Discuss and apply biblical and practical principles that will help us flourish despite the challenges we face. Let's find direction and faith together. Meeting on Zoom – open to all.
